Thursday, October 3, 2024

10 infernal curses

Infernal magic: 

The cost of spells from this list (in Mana/MD/spell slot level) is equal to the amount of targets affected+the duration. Casting a spell from this list always takes a full turn. And the range is sight. The externally focused spells are subject to resistances to magic and curses. 

1: Iron Hook hell: The hands of the cursed become as daggers, and their mind is filled with mad anger. The cursed are driven to attack the closest targets. Prioritizing those who kill with glee. 

2: Black Rope hell: Black ropes emerge from smoke and shadows, and restrain the cursed. Those who are within the seas or skies and dragged down to the depths of their realms. 

Those who steal from the sick or the poor lose a limb whenever they take slashing damage. 

3: Burning Beak hell: Birds tear apart the flesh of the cursed, dealing 3 fire damage each round for 3 rounds.

Those who have raped or kidnapped suffer this torment until their bodies are broken. 

4: Gilded scream hell: Those cursed gain golden flesh, which is as hard as plate and lets them run twice as fast. They also deal double damage to those who have allowed themselves to become so intoxicated as to become wicked and vengeful. 

5: Dark wind hell: Those cursed see themselves in a storm of ash, and cannot see farther than an arm's length. They are also pushed by winds so violent as to prevent movement in any direction but one (the wind pushes the same directed for all). Those who lie to themselves are fully blinded. 

6: Fanged ogre hell: Those cursed becomes as large and strong as ogres, and may drag objects or people of any size or weight less than a mountain. They gain the ability to manifest invisible chains around those who have tempted others to break their vows. 

7: Poisoned tongue hell: Serpents emerge from the throats of those cursed. The size and number of the serpents depends on the veracity of the lie and the number of lies told. 

8: Seven wall hell: Those cursed are entombed in 7 hollow steel spheres. Those which flee from pain and live as shadows are released only when the spheres are broken by one from the outside. 

9: Heavenly void hell: Those cursed fall upwards. Those who desire that which they cannot have may never again see the sun or stars. 

10: Lost kin hell: Those cursed may not heal from wounds inflicted upon the back. In addition, those who have betrayed their kin become immensely repulsive to dogs. Who views them with great fury. 

There are many more hells, though these are not as yet known. 


Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Carrion gods, vermin, star children and humanity.

Hi my name is Luna, here is a blog where I will be sharing the biotech rpg I am currently making. Its very unfinished and I am a very slow worker, but at least for a bit I should be posting relatively frequently. Its not really currently playable without being able to access to the stuff about it I have stored in my brain, if you want to playtest or help or make any suggestions just add me on discord, my username is:  aconspiracyofravens

In this case, the setting precedes the mechanics, so I shall start by explaining the setting. 

Tsenkutli* is a megastructure of white marble and black obsidian steel, built as a real-estate development as a palace for the 3457th son of a galactic empress. He got himself kidnapped, and then incinerated in nuclear fire along with his captors, as an example for other would-be kidnappers. The goblins and star children are the descendants of indentured workers left here for it was too expensive to evacuate or kill them. 

It sits decaying between two expanses, the first being the graveyard of stars, a vast desert of rust and the iron cores of stars pocket it. The red dukes and the priests of the silver thread reign over isolated strongholds built into the fresher steel cores, churning out masses of machinery in exchange for a continuous supply of food, water, silver and fuel. The true masters of this realm, if any may lay claim to it, are the reagents, who fight amongst themselves in the vast networks of tunnels deep under the ground with legions of biomechanical monstrosities, hoarding the remains of the empire that left them to die.

The second expanse is the deep, it holds no masters save the maggots, infant gods possessing near infinite power and idiocy. The remains of would be planetary conquerors pepper the ocean, their grossly mangled and mutated bodies impaled upon hundreds of crystalline spikes. They are foremost amongst carrion gods.

The ocean is occupied by teeming multitudes of organisms, feeding off the cursed blood of the corpses. Huge ships of cast steel plie these oceans, powered by nuclear furnaces, organic sails, fins, or far more... eldritch means.

Humans: humans are evolved abominations, even before their encounter with ———, they were 4 dimensional evolved abominations with strange souls. After the mangling of their souls, they are now viewed with either curiosity or contempt, even by their accidental god, Yahweh. You as a human already know the basics, so I shall not go over them. As a result of the mangling of their souls, after meeting -------, emperor of Tsenkuli, demon of words, souls and ------, they have gained immortality.


Vermin, the second most populous species at just under 30% of the population. These have four abilities, first, they never forget anything until their body dies, their conical brains expanding as they age, eventually giving them a sort of horn. 

Second, they have prodigious eyesight, as they can change the characteristics of their eyes at will, though complete transformation takes around a week. They can use this to blend in with the population they possess, or adapt to their environment.

third: When they are wounded, or simply whenever they decide to have a change of body, they may shed their eyes, body, and memory cortex. They will then be implanted into another organism's skull cavity, by slipping through the eye and replacing the brain, the creature possessed is usually non-sentient, and always a warm-blooded animal originating from earth.

Star children: 

The star children, least populous of the races, at a little over 3% of the population. They can incorporate any organ into their body, and wear elaborate pelts of feathers or scales, their faces lined with dozens of eyes. They naturally live to around 75 years old naturally, though some individuals are millennia old due to their mastery of biotech. They are interdimensionally persecuted due to their ability to produce many compounds needed for biotechnical or alchemical products in their bodies. They possess six limbs, a pair of upper arms that resemble human arms quite closely, save for the extra digits on their fingers and freakishly long thumbs. A pair of lower arms roughly three times the girth of the upper arms, with extremely thick bones and skin upon the hands, used for walking and climbing. These arms are wide set, allowing greater range of motion and rotation while hanging onto things. A pair of hind legs, much stronger, and easily able to support their weight, though a little shorter. They can stand on these back legs in order to free up their second pair of arms, though they are barely able to move when this occurs. A tripod stance is more common, as it allows stability and leverage, even if it does make them able to move. (edited)

Here they are safe, and elsewhere they are watched over by their gods, two stellar demons who adopted them after their creator abandoned them, by committing divine suicide.

In general, technology sits at around the 19 and very early 20th century for these species, with much more advanced biotechnology,

*Tsenkutli the megastructure is named after Tsenkutli the empire, which is named after Tsenkulti the city, which is named after Tsenkutli the river. The current capital of the empire, wherever it may be, is always called Tsenkulti.

10 infernal curses

Infernal magic:  The cost of spells from this list (in Mana/MD/spell slot level) is equal to the amount of targets affected+the duration. Ca...